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Daily Archives: December 31, 2021

Sun Protection Tips For Construction Workers

For many, the summer months mean vacations at the beach, lounging by the pool, and spending more time outside in the sun. For construction workers, summer means working long hours in the hot sun. All that time in the sun can lead to an increased risk of sunburn, sun poisoning, and skin cancer.

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Big, but Also Odd, Jobs Gain for Canada in June

In June, Canada added nearly a quarter of a million net new jobs, according to the Labour Force Survey report assembled and published by Statistics Canada. The +231,000 increase, however, was not comprised of a usual mix of gains in both full-time and part-time work. Rather, full-time employment shrank by -33,000 jobs while part-time endeavors took off to the tune of +263,000 positions.

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June’s Nonresidential Construction Starts +14% M/M, But -11% YTD

A Compelling Megaproject Story

ConstructConnect announced today that June 2021’s volume of construction starts, excluding residential work, was $38.4 billion (green shaded box, Table 8 below), an increase of +14.4% vs May 2021’s $33.6 billion (originally reported as $32.5 billion).